Former minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav and former OSD Kalyan have approached the High Court seeking anticipatory bail in the Telangana Animal Husbandry Department files theft case. The police have registered a case against five people, including Kalyan, based on the complaint of the office watchman who discovered that important files were missing from the office. Kalyan has sought anticipatory bail from the High Court to avoid arrest in this case.
The office of Talasani OSD Kalyan is located in the Hyderabad Masabtank Animal Husbandry Department office. Last Friday, in the evening at around 5:30 PM, some individuals entered the office by removing the window grills and stole important documents and hard disks. The watchman noticed that the office door was open and upon entering, he found files, computers, and beer bottles scattered around. He immediately reported the incident to the police. However, Kalyan has denied any involvement in the alleged theft.