A special run called “An Honour Run” was organized by HQ Telangana and Andhra sub-area in Hyderabad to celebrate the “Kargil Vijay Rajat Jayanti”. The run had four categories of distances: 21.1 Km, 10 Km, 5 Km, and 3 Km. Veterans, serving personnel families, and children from various military stations and schools in Secunderabad participated in the run. The event saw a great response from veterans, Army personnel, and school children. After completing the run, the top finishers were honored with a Race Finisher Medal by Maj Gen Rakesh Manocha SM, VSM, GOC Telangana and Andhra SubArea.
Honour Run Commemorating ‘Kargil Vijay Rajat Jayanti’ Organized in Hyderabad
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