TPCC General Secretary and Mayor Chigirintha Parijata Narsimha Reddy recently launched a free bus service for women in Almasguda Rajiv Grihakalpa, which was initiated by the Congress party. This service is available in the Badangpet Municipal Corporation located in the Maheswaram constituency. During the event, Narsimha Reddy also paid respects to the statues of YS Rajasekhar Reddy and Ambedkar.
In honor of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi’s birthday, a cake was cut and well wishes were shared. Many individuals including Corporators Vangeti Prabhakar Reddy, Peddbavi Sudarshan Reddy, Youth Congress President Boyapalli Raghavender Reddy, Corporation Party President Boyapalli Govardhan Reddy, Surnaganti Vijay, Tirumal, leaders, activists, and women took part in this program.