Komatireddy Venkata Reddy has officially started his position as Minister of R&B and Cinematography in Hyderabad. He took charge in his chamber on the 5th floor of the Secretariat after performing special pujas. His family members, brother, MLA Rajagopal Reddy, Nakirekal MLA Vemula Veeresham, and officials were present during the ceremony. Komatireddy signed some files right after becoming a Minister.
In his remarks, Komatireddy expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Revanth for assigning him the R&B department. He also mentioned plans to construct a new council hall in the assembly premises. Additionally, he announced the removal of the fencing in front of the Gandhi statue in the Assembly and the beautification of the area. Within his constituency, roads will be upgraded to four lanes with a budget of Rs 100 crores.
Komatireddy disclosed that he will be traveling to Delhi on Monday to meet with Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. During the meeting, he intends to request the recognition of 14 roads as National Highways. Furthermore, he highlighted the need for road work from LB Nagar to Malkapuram and from Malkapuram to Suryapet, totaling six lines.
The Minister expressed frustration towards former minister Harish Rao’s comments about the achievements of the Congress government within two days. Komatireddy questioned the accomplishments of the BRS party during their ten-year tenure and criticized their lack of attention towards roads. He warned against any prejudice and assured that action would be taken if mistakes occur, emphasizing that the law will take its course.