Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao visited Yashoda Hospital in Somajiguda to see former Chief K Chandrashekar Rao, who is receiving treatment for a hip bone fracture. Minister D Anusuya, Shabbir Ali, Vem Narender Reddy, and others also visited the hospital. Revanth Reddy, speaking to the media, stated that he instructed officials and hospital authorities to provide the best treatment. The doctors reported that KCR is recovering. Revanth expressed hope that KCR would recover soon and resume his duties. KCR underwent hip replacement surgery after a fall in the bathroom and will need eight weeks of rest. Minister Ponnam Prabhakar also visited the hospital to see a patient from his constituency and inquired about KCR’s health.
CM Revanth Reddy hopes for KCR’s swift recovery to address public concerns in the Assembly
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