Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy launched and laid the foundation stone for several development projects worth Rs 216.05 crore at the Indrakeeladri temple. The projects include a new staircase, an elevated queue complex, a dining hall, a prayer hall, a guest house, and an additional queue complex. The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone for a multi-level car parking facility, an entrance gate, a road, and the renovation of existing facilities. In addition, he inaugurated the Malleswara Swami temple, eight reconstructed temples, a protection system, a water management system, a solar power station, and two new temples. Afterward, he received blessings from the temple priests and was given Prasadam and a portrait of the Goddess.
YS Jagan Inaugurates Developmental Projects Worth Rs 216 Crore at Kanaka Durga Temple
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