South Central Railway (SCR) observed the 67th Mahaparinirvan Diwas of Dr B R Ambedkar on Wednesday at Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad. The general manager of SCR, Arun Kumar Jain, praised Dr Ambedkar’s life as a testament to resilience, intellect, and an unwavering commitment to uplifting marginalized sections of society. Dr Ambedkar’s advocacy for universal education laid the foundation for a society where every citizen could contribute meaningfully to the nation’s development. Mahaparinirvan Diwas is an opportunity to remember Dr Ambedkar’s great legacy and strive for social improvement.
Dr Ambedkar’s thoughts on the welfare of the labor force are relevant to Indian Railways, which is not only the nation’s main transport provider but also the largest employer. SCR has been incorporating Babasaheb Ambedkar’s teachings in its development, both in terms of technological advancement and valuing its workforce, especially those at lower levels and women employees.