The ACB special court in Vijayawada has directed the Andhra Pradesh CID to present Shirish Chandrakant Shah, who is accused in the skill development scam, on January 5, 2024. The court has asked Shah to be present on that day for his statement to be recorded.
Shah, who was accused number 13 in the case, turned into an approver on November 17, 2023. He was previously arrested in Mumbai in 2021 and spent some time in prison before being granted bail.
According to the CID’s remand report, Shah is accused of setting up shell companies to transfer government funds. He allegedly transferred funds to a shell company called Skillar Enterprises through DesignTech Systems in 2015. Shah is also accused of establishing another shell company called Allied Computers International (ACI) and awarding contracts for hardware and software supply to the skill development centers.
Former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu, who was accused number A37 in the case, has been granted bail by the AP High Court. There is a pending quash petition in this case before the Supreme Court.