A tragic incident occurred on the Addanki-Narketpally road near Arjalabavi, just outside Nalgonda town. A Srikrishna travel bus caught fire, resulting in the death of a young passenger. The incident happened late on Sunday night at around 1:30 am.
Passengers on the bus noticed smoke and alerted the driver, Nakkala Joseph. He quickly stopped the bus and everyone got off. However, when the driver tried to re-enter the bus, the fire had spread too quickly.
Emergency services were called, and Sub-Inspector Nagaraju arrived at the scene. Most passengers had already evacuated the bus safely by then.
The bus was carrying 38 passengers, but one young man from Chirala, aged between 22-25, is still missing. The police are working to identify him by checking ticket records and contacting families of the passengers.
A case has been registered based on a complaint from the bus driver. An investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the fire and any negligence that may have contributed to this tragic incident.