South Central Railway officials in Hyderabad have announced that several trains will be canceled for a week due to ongoing railway line works between Kazipet and Warangal. The Guntur-Secunderabad Inter City and Lingampally to Kakinada Gautami Express running between Kazipet and Vijayawada will be canceled from December 10th to 18th. The Satavahana Express will also be canceled on December 7th and from December 10th to 18th.
Other train cancellations include the Kakatiya Express between Secunderabad and Bhadrachalam Road, which will be canceled on December 6th and from December 10th to 18th. The Adilabad-Tirupati Krishna Express will be canceled from December 5th to 19th. The Push full trains running between Kazipet-Dornakal and Dornakal-Vijayawada will be canceled from December 10th to 18th.
From December 11th to 19th, the Golconda Express will only run until Kazipet. Additionally, the Singareni Express from Bhadrachalam Road to Ballarsha will be canceled from December 6th to 8th and again from December 10th to 19th.