The Telangana state assembly election results show that the Congress Party continues to dominate in South India, according to DCM DK Shivakumar. In response to the media, Shivakumar expressed gratitude to the voters and party workers for their efforts in bringing about change. He mentioned that leaders from neighboring states like Karnataka and Maharashtra also contributed to the party’s success. Shivakumar assured that arrangements have been made to bring all the candidates together and emphasized his appreciation for the people of Telangana for supporting the Congress Party.
When asked if he considered this victory as his personal achievement, Shivakumar clarified that it was not about him but rather a triumph for the people of Telangana. He acknowledged their gratitude towards Sonia Gandhi for creating the state and their desire for development and progress. He expressed his commitment to working hard to maintain their trust.
Regarding Revanth Reddy’s role in the victory, Shivakumar stated that Reddy is the president of TPCC and led the team. He emphasized that the party’s decisions would be made collectively and respected, leaving it up to the leaders to decide. He also mentioned that they worked as ordinary workers and followed their leaders’ guidance.
When asked about his message to KCR and KTR, Shivakumar declined to comment, stating that the response from the people of Telangana to their tweets was enough of a message.