The Telangana High Court’s division bench, led by Chief Justice Alok Aradhe and Justice Anil Kumar Jukanti, has issued non-bailable warrants against the mandal parishad development officer and secretary of Majidpur gram panchayath in Shameerpet mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri district. This action was taken because the officials did not comply with the court’s orders and did not appear in person or file a status report.
The bench has directed the High Court registry to inform the district Superintendent of Police about the warrants. The SP will then take appropriate action to bring the officials before the court on December 11.
This case arose from a PIL filed by S Ashok Reddy, Majidpur MPTC, requesting a detailed investigation into encroachments and constructions carried out by the GP secretary. Before the hearing, the bench had instructed the Shameerpet tahsildar to submit a status report on the petitioner’s complaint, which claimed that a portion of land earmarked for weaker sections had been encroached.
Earlier this year, on June 20 and subsequent occasions, the bench had ordered both officials to submit a status report on the encroachments and constructions on the land, as well as the steps taken to stop them.
Although the ZP standing counsel informed the court that the officials were on election duty, the bench did not take this into consideration and decided to issue non-bailable warrants. The bench wanted to send a strong message to all officials who do not comply with court orders. They stated that these officers would lose their posts and be suspended, emphasizing that no citizen is immune to the law.
The next hearing in this case is scheduled for December 11.