The BRS will observe ‘Deeksha Diwas’ on Wednesday, a day before the polling date. This day is significant as it changed the history of the Telangana movement. The hunger strike led by the BRS chief with the slogan ‘KCR Satchudo Telangana vachudo’ forced Union Minister Chidambaram to announce the separate state. On November 28, 2007, K Chandrashekar Rao reached Karimnagar and the next day he went to Siddipet for the hunger strike along with Professor Jayashankar. KCR’s arrest for attempting the hunger strike angered the people of Telangana. His health deteriorated in Khammam and he was shifted to Hyderabad on December 3. The recorded visuals of KCR being moved were distressing for the people of Telangana, leading to a violent turn in the movement. The slogan “KCR Shavayatro.. Telangana Jaitrayatro” became the battle cry and the state faced chaos with restricted transportation. Srikanthachari self-immolated in LB Nagar as a result of being unable to withstand the arrest.
BRS concludes campaign, plans ‘Deeksha Diwas’ to engage with the public.
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