The 125-feet tall Dr B R Ambedkar statue in Vijayawada will be inaugurated on January 24, 2024. This was announced during a review meeting with Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. The Chief Minister emphasized the historical importance of the Ambedkar Smriti Vanam Project at Swaraj Maidan, which represents social justice and democratic values. He urged officials to expedite the project and ensure its timely completion. The officials shared that the statue will be installed on an 81-feet pedestal, making the total length of the project 206 feet. The Chief Minister also discussed the beautification works along the flood protection wall in Krishnalanka area, including a park and walking track.
Jaganmohan Reddy to inaugurate 125-ft Ambedkar statue in Vijayawada on January 24, 2024
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