IT raids on the houses of Telangana Congress leaders are ongoing. The officials have already raided the houses of Vivek Venkataswamy and Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy, and now they have conducted inspections at the house of Alampur Congress candidate Sampath Kumar. The IT and vigilance officials reached Sampath Kumar’s residence in Shantinagar of Vaddapalli mandal at midnight on Sunday and conducted searches.
With only two days left for the campaign, Sampath Kumar is busy campaigning, but the IT raids are causing a stir. When officers arrived at Sampath’s house in the middle of the night, his wife Mahalakshmi fainted from high blood pressure and had to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
It was reported that Sampath was not at home during the inspections. Upon receiving information about the IT raids, Congress activists gathered in large numbers at his house. However, the police stopped them, leading to a protest on the road and creating tension in the area.