Union Home Minister Amit Shah addressed a large gathering in Choutuppal on Saturday, rallying support for BJP Assembly candidate Chalamalla Krishna Reddy in Munugode. During the event, Shah warned the public about supporting the Congress party, saying that voting for Congress candidates would make them indebted to KCR after winning as MLAs.
Shah passionately urged the crowd to reject the allegedly corrupt KCR government in Telangana, pointing out the “family rule” by KCR and KTR in the State. He highlighted the need to end the BRS party’s governance, accusing them of significant financial misconduct amounting to thousands of crores of rupees.
The Home Minister expressed confidence in the BJP government’s potential return for a third term at the Centre under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership. Shah stated that a saffron government in Telangana would promote development in all sectors.