Congress MLA candidate VENELA, who is running for the Secunderabad Cantonment constituency, conducted a road show as part of his election campaign on Saturday. The road show took place in Old Vasavi Nagar, New Vasavi Nagar, Kaka Guda, Balaji Colony, 108 Bazar, Valmiki Nagar, and Gandhi Nagar.
During the road show, VENELA interacted with the residents and discussed his plans and proposals for the constituency. He emphasized the importance of addressing the issues faced by the local community and working towards their betterment.
The road show attracted a large number of supporters and party members who joined VENELA in spreading awareness about his candidacy. The event was marked by enthusiasm and energy as the participants waved flags and banners in support of VENELA.
To further engage with the audience, VENELA also shared images on social media platforms, showcasing the road show and the overwhelming support he received from the people. The images captured the vibrant atmosphere of the event and highlighted the unity and solidarity among the supporters.
Overall, VENELA’s road show was a successful campaign initiative that allowed him to connect with the people of Secunderabad Cantonment constituency and gain their trust and support. By actively engaging with the residents and addressing their concerns, VENELA aims to make a positive impact and work towards the development of the constituency.