Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhara Rao attended a BRS Praja Ashirwada Sabha in Mulugu Constituency. He expressed his belief that if BRS candidate Bade Nagajyoti wins as an MLA, Mulugu will experience progress. The Chief Minister criticized the current MLA for not addressing the people’s problems and promised that if Nagajyoti becomes an MLA, he will focus on developing the area by improving roads and irrigation.
Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhara Rao also highlighted the shortcomings of the previous Congress government under Indiramma’s rule, such as encounters and lack of progress. He commended Nagajyoti’s dedication to serving the people and mentioned that her father had sacrificed his life for a cause.
The Chief Minister assured the audience that if Nagajyoti wins, he will personally visit and address their needs. He emphasized the importance of the ruling party winning the election for the development of Mulugu.