The political landscape in Shadnagar received a boost as former Chief Minister of Puducherry, Narayanaswamy, arrived to support Veerlapalli Shankar, the Congress candidate for the Shadnagar Assembly. Karnataka Medical and Health Minister Dr Saranu Prakash Patil accompanied Narayanaswamy to highlight the guarantees by the Congress party.
On Wednesday, the distinguished guests arrived in Shadnagar town and had a meeting with key local leaders at Shankar’s residence. They discussed campaign strategies and aligned their efforts.
After the meeting, the leaders participated in a campaign event in the Kondurg mandal. Their presence energized the campaign and gained support from the local people.
PCC members Mohammad Ali Khan Babar, Urban Party President Chennaiah, Senior Leader Basavappa, Ande Mohan, Ande Srikanth, and others warmly welcomed the dignitaries.