Forest and Social Welfare Minister of Maharashtra, Sudhir Mungantiwar, spoke about the increased corruption and anarchy in Telangana under KCR’s rule. He urged everyone to vote for the BJP and support Prime Minister Narendra Modi for justice. Mungantiwar addressed a meeting in Adilabad and mentioned that the BJP candidate for the Adilabad assembly constituency, Payal Shankar, will bring funds from the Centre for the welfare of the poor and urban development. He also stated that voting for BRS and Congress would be a waste. Mungantiwar criticized Chief Minister KCR for ruling with corruption and irregularities, warning that if he is given power again, it will lead to darkness. Mungantiwar further alleged that KCR should come to his senses and abandon his dream of becoming the Prime Minister.
Maha Minister encourages voting for Dharma and justice
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