The Congress party, led by Janampally Anirudh Reddy, is gaining support in the villages of Jadcherla constituency. During Anirudh Reddy’s recent campaigning in Midjilmandal villages, farmers, women, and youth showed their support for the party. Villages like Munnanur, Masigundlapally, Wadiyala, and Vemula welcomed Anirudh Reddy with traditional music and slogans of support for Congress.
Analysts note that the BRS party, which has historically been dominant in the constituency, is facing challenges, especially in the villages. Despite previous welfare and development efforts, villagers are dissatisfied with the lack of promised double-bedroom houses and rising electricity charges. Residents like Tirupathi from Boinpally village express their grievances about the lack of proper road connectivity and financial hardships caused by the electricity department.
In response to these concerns, the Congress party’s election manifesto, which includes promises of free power up to 200 units, free RTC bus travel, and benefits for youth, has resonated with the villagers.