The chief of the BRS, K Chandrashekar Rao, criticized Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for claiming that the Modi government withheld Rs 25,000 crore because motors were not installed in agriculture pump sets. Rao made these remarks at the Praja Ashirwada Sabha in Suryapet. He stated that voting for the BJP is a waste of a vote. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for the installation of meters on every borewell and pump set, but Rao refused to comply. As a result, Telangana’s grant of Rs 25,000 crore was deducted. Sitharaman shamelessly stated in Hyderabad that all states except Telangana have installed meters, justifying the deduction of 0.5% and denial of Rs 25,000 crore.
KCR criticizes Sitharaman’s remark on fund cut
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