BJP National General Secretary, Bandi Sanjay, claimed that Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao is showing deference to the Owaisi brothers in order to secure 12 percent of the Muslim votes. Speaking at a BJP rally in Narayankhed, Sangareddy district, Sanjay accused the Congress and BRS parties of being influenced by the MIM and their fear of losing Muslim votes. Sanjay asserted that these parties have never ventured into the old city of Hyderabad for rallies and meetings, while the BJP has successfully done so. He also urged the 80 percent Hindu voters in Narayankhed to support the BJP candidate Sangappa. Sanjay warned that if KCR is re-elected, he may even question whether Ram was truly born in Ayodhya or not.
Bandi Sanjay alleges CM KCR of seeking Muslim votes by appeasing MIM
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