Former Union Minister and BJP Telangana election in-charge Prakash Javadekar has criticized the Dharani portal, calling it a bigger land scam than the Kaleswaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP). According to Javadekar, the portal has cheated people and affected thousands of farmers. He accused the government of changing revenue records in the Dharani portal, labeling landowners as ‘benami’ and ‘illegal encroachers’. Javadekar also mentioned that Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) was initially responsible for handling land records but left after government pressure. The government then brought in ILFS, which went into insolvency, and eventually handed over the software to Terra CIS. Javadekar alleged that a private foreign company accessed the digital documents in Dharani and conducted deep mining of government data. He criticized the government for not considering the ground realities and failing to resolve issues with the land records system. Javadekar promised that the BJP would investigate the land scams of Dharani and ensure justice for the landowners.
Javadekar alleges Dharani portal to be a larger scam than KLIP
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