The Election Commission of India has taken action against two officials from the Telangana Tourism Development Corporation. Boinapally Manohar Rao, the Managing Director of TSTDC, has been suspended, and Y Satyanarayana, an Officer on Special Duty, has been removed from his post. This action was taken because both officials were allegedly seen accompanying Minister Srinivas Goud during his visit to Tirupati on October 15 and 16. Satyanarayana, a retired Deputy Collector, was re-employed by the state government. The Model Code of Conduct was in effect in Telangana from October 9. Srinivas Goud is running for the Mahabubnagar Assembly constituency in the November 30 elections on a BRS ticket. The Election Commission has instructed the Principal Secretary of Tourism to provide a report and explanation by November 19.
Election Commission suspends Tourism Development Corp MD for accompanying minister during Telangana polls
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