Bharat Rashtra Samithi Working President K Taraka Rama Rao visited Achampet MLA Guvvala Balaraju at Apollo Hospital after he was allegedly attacked. KTR spoke to the doctors to check on Balaraju’s health condition.
During his visit, KTR also met with Balaraju’s family members. They informed him that Balaraju was attacked due to his increasing popularity. KTR assured them of the party’s support and mentioned that Balaraju has previously faced similar attacks during the movement for Telangana.
KTR expressed his intention to talk to the Director General of Police (DGP) of the state and take necessary action.
The clashes between two groups occurred late on Saturday night, causing tension. MLA Guvvala Balaraju was injured in the clashes. The police arrived at the scene and dispersed the activists.
In a tweet, the official BRS Party account shared photos of KTR’s visit to Balaraju at the hospital. The tweet highlighted KTR’s concern for Balaraju’s health and his determination to address the attacks they are facing.
This is the simplified version of the news article.