An incident occurred in Hyderabad where the parents and relatives of a girl violently attacked a young man who was involved in a romantic relationship with an underage girl. The incident took place on Wednesday night in the Pocharam IT Corridor police station of Medchal district on the outskirts of Hyderabad.
According to sources, an 18-year-old named Kiran went to visit the girl while her parents were away. However, when the girl’s parents found out about this, they immediately returned home and assaulted Kiran. The girl’s relatives also joined in the attack, pouring pepper on his private parts and causing severe harm.
Sadly, Kiran passed away during treatment after being attacked for about an hour. The police arrived at the scene upon receiving information from locals and took the body for post-mortem examination.
The police stated that Kiran had been involved in a relationship with a 15-year-old girl from the same neighborhood for some time. The girl’s family had warned Kiran multiple times, threatening serious consequences if they were caught together again. Despite this, Kiran continued the secret relationship without the knowledge of the girl’s parents.
On Wednesday, when the girl’s parents were at work, they asked their neighbors to keep an eye on their house. Taking advantage of their absence, Kiran went to the girl’s house at night. The neighbors promptly informed the girl’s parents when they saw him approaching.
Upon their arrival, the girl’s parents caught Kiran and mercilessly beat him. Unable to withstand the assault, Kiran lost consciousness. The police arrived after being informed by locals and took the body to the hospital for post-mortem examination. Subsequently, nine individuals, including the girl’s parents, were arrested and taken to the police station. A case was registered, and an investigation is underway.
Meanwhile, the deceased’s family protested in front of the police station on Thursday, demanding justice. The police assured them that the accused would be severely punished.