Uppal election in-charge Ravula Sridhar Reddy attended the Mana Basti and Mana BLR program organized at Chiluka Nagar Chowrastha. He praised the Telangana Chief Minister, KCR, for implementing various schemes to improve the lives of poor and middle-class families. These initiatives have made a positive impact in every neighborhood, with the development of CC roads, drainage systems, electrification, and Basti Dawakhanas. Ravula Sridhar Reddy emphasized the progress made by Telangana in the last decade, making it the top state in the country. He also dismissed the promises made by opposition parties and urged voters to support BRS for the continuation of KCR’s development and welfare agenda. The program was attended by BRS senior leaders, including Corporator Bannala Geetha, Bannala Praveen Mudhiraj, Palle Narsingh, and other activists.
Vote for car, says Uppal BRS incharge Ravula Sridhar Reddy, emphasizing KCR’s model
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