Hanumakonda DCC president Naini Rajender Reddy, who is running for the Warangal West constituency, criticized the BRS government for prioritizing commissions over the development of the state. Naini accused the sitting MLA, D Vinay Bhaskar, of being intolerant towards criticism and avoiding questions about the development in the constituency. He also mentioned that the BRS government has abandoned several welfare schemes initiated by the Congress.
During the Congress regime in united Andhra Pradesh, white ration card holders used to receive seven varieties of essential items at a subsidized price of Rs 185. However, under the BRS government, they are only given rice. Naini also highlighted that the BRS government has diluted welfare programs like fee reimbursement, ration, and Indiramma houses that were initiated by the previous Congress government.
Naini pointed out that despite promising double bedroom houses for the poor, the BRS government has failed to fulfill this commitment. He criticized the BRS government for making promises without taking actions. A rally with Naini’s supporters will take place on November 9, followed by the submission of his nomination papers. AICC in-charge Sanjay Jagirdar and several GWMC corporators will be present during this event.