Warangal West BJP candidate Rao Padma campaigned in Hanumakonda on Wednesday. She stated that the people are frustrated with the BRS government for not meeting their expectations. Padma accused the KCR Government of working for commissions and claimed that only the KCR family has benefited since the formation of Telangana. She alleged that they have misused their power to accumulate assets.
Padma also criticized the KCR Government for putting Telangana State into a debt trap. She stated that the state has a debt of nearly Rs 8 lakh crore and is unable to pay salaries to its employees. She blamed the government for not using the borrowed funds for welfare and development.
Padma also mentioned the mismanagement of the recruitment process by the TSPSC, which has affected the lives of unemployed youth. She emphasized that only the BJP can bring development to Warangal.
She recalled that Warangal city has been included in various development schemes by the BJP-led Centre, such as the Smart cities Mission, AMRUT, HRIDAY, and PRASAD. The Centre is also working on developing a tourism circuit that includes Thousand Pillars Temple, Ramappa, and Mallur.
Overall, Padma highlighted the failures of the current government and emphasized the BJP’s commitment to bringing positive changes to Warangal.