BRS supremo K Chandrashekar Rao has planned a 20-day action plan for an aggressive poll campaign ahead of the Assembly elections. He aims to beat his rivals, both in the battleground and through social media. KTR is personally overseeing the party’s campaign.
With only three weeks left until the elections on November 30, KCR will aggressively target the Opposition parties, particularly the Congress, during his visits to constituencies where he will deliver speeches. The BRS leadership is also attempting to weaken the Congress by poaching its leaders, while KCR aims to expose the party’s weaknesses through powerful speeches.
KCR is gradually increasing his attacks on the Congress, which is considered the main Opposition in the election. He will highlight the party’s failure to meet the expectations of the people during the Telangana movement. At meetings, KCR will explain the sector-wise transformation in Telangana and launch an aggressive social media campaign with special videos on water, road network, farmer welfare, and pensions for the needy. The BRS plans to adopt a new style of poll campaign on social media every week with a new agenda.
The party’s contestants have also been instructed to prepare a campaign strategy to influence voters and support the ruling party. They are encouraged to create videos showcasing development in their respective constituencies and share them extensively on social media.