The Congress party in Hyderabad has launched a new campaign called “Marpu Kavali Congress Ravali”. This campaign is primarily aimed at the youth, women, and farmers. The party has released an ad video that focuses on agrarian issues in Telangana, including farmer suicides, farm loan waivers, and problems with fertilizers and paddy procurement.
The video uses satire to highlight the false promises and lies of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. It features a lookalike of the Chief Minister who mocks him. The video also shows a village scene where people question politicians with a “pink car” about their past promises. At the end of the video, the deflated car is seen being pushed by the same leader, including the KCR lookalike.
The Congress party aims to show that the people of Telangana are not willing to believe in false promises anymore. The campaign started on Tuesday and hopes to bring attention to the issues faced by farmers and other sections of society.