Senior Congress leader V Hanumanth Rao and Ponnam Prabhakar criticized the recent BJP ‘BC Atma Gourava Sabha’ addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They accused both Modi and KCR of being unjust towards BCs. The BJP failed to release the caste census at the Centre, while KCR refused to make public the ‘Samagra survey’ conducted after the State formation. The leaders questioned the sincerity of the saffron party and described the meeting as an election gimmick. They believed that nothing substantial would be achieved by the ruling BJP at the Centre. In contrast, they claimed that Rahul Gandhi had identified the real issues of BCs and promised to conduct an OBC caste census after coming to power. The Congress has now taken up the issue, and they accused the BJP of trying to hijack it.
Congress Mocks BJP’s BC Meeting Headed by PM
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