The Mahila Atmeeya Sammelanam program held in support of BRS at Mallapur in the Uppal Constituency was a big success. The event was attended by MLA candidate Mr. Bandari Lakshma Reddy, Shri Harish Rao, Hon’ble Minister for Medical, Health and Finance, MLC Shambhi Pur Raju, MLA Bheti Subhash Reddy, Election Incharge Ravula Sridhar Reddy, State Senior Leaders Ragidi Lakshma Reddy, Singireddy Somesekhar Reddy, many BRS women corporators, key leaders, and party women workers. Approximately 5000 people attended the program.
During the meeting, MLA Bheti Subhash Reddy recognized the important role of the women in the Uppal constituency in the Telangana movement. He mentioned that they are now showing their support by voting for the car symbol in large numbers.
MLA Bheti Subhash Reddy also highlighted the development programs implemented in the Uppal constituency. These include the establishment of Basti Dawakhanas under the leadership of Minister Harish Rao, the construction of Uppal Skyway with government cooperation, and the building of double bedroom houses. He assured the women that the development will continue and urged them to vote for Bandari Lakshma Reddy with a huge majority in the upcoming elections.
Harish Rao spoke about the welfare schemes in Telangana and urged the women to carefully consider their vote and ensure that they choose the right person.