The Telangana BJP has announced its fourth list of candidates, which includes 12 individuals. Previously, they released the first list with 52 candidates, followed by a surprising second list with only one candidate. Later, they announced the third list with 35 candidates. In total, 100 candidates have been announced so far.
The latest list of candidates includes Durgam Ashok from Chennuru, Subhash Reddy from Ellareddy, Tula Uma from Vemulawada, Sriram Chakraborty from Husnabad, Doodi Srikanth Reddy from Siddipet, Naveen Kumar from Vikarabad, Bantu Rameshkumar from Kodangal, Boya Siva from Gadwala, Sadineni Srinivas from Miryalaguda, Chalamala Krishna Reddy from Munugodu, Mogulaiah from Nakirekal, and Ajmira Prahlad Naik from Mulugu.