The BRS party has not yet announced the candidates for the Goshamahal and Nampally constituencies. However, sources say that Nandkishore Vyas may be chosen to face MLA T Raja Singh in Goshamahal, as a birthday gift on Monday. Raja Singh, who is from the BJP, has previously won the seat twice. Vyas has previously been associated with the Congress and BJP before joining the BRS. He had also unsuccessfully contested as an independent candidate in Goshamahal. Despite other contenders like former MLA Prem Singh Rathore and G Srinivas Yadav, the ruling party may still prefer Vyas.
In Nampally, the ruling party may continue with Ch Anand Goud as their candidate. Goud had previously contested on a BRS ticket in the 2018 elections but had lost. Since Nampally is an AIMIM segment, the seat may not have a significant impact on the party, as both BRS and AIMIM are friendly parties. Sources suggest that the BRS may announce the candidate for both constituencies on Monday.