Mumbai Police are investigating threatening emails that were sent to Mukesh Ambani, the chairman of RIL. The senders gradually raised their demand for money to Rs 400 crore. Two youths, one from Telangana and one from Gujarat, have been arrested in connection with the case.
The emails were sent to Ambani’s company’s official email ID over the course of eight days. The first email demanded Rs 20 crore and threatened to kill Ambani if the money was not paid. The next day, another email was received demanding Rs 200 crore and threatening to issue a death warrant. A third email was received on Monday, demanding Rs 400 crore.
The Mumbai Police’s crime branch arrested Ganesh Ramesh Vanrapathi from Warangal and Shadab Khan from Gujarat. It appears that Vanrapathi and Khan were using two different email IDs to send the threatening emails. Vanrapathi has been remanded to police custody until November 8.
Khan is a highly-qualified student, according to the police. Both Vanrapathi and Khan have been charged under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, including putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt in order to commit extortion and criminal intimidation. The investigation is ongoing.
Warangal teenager arrested for sending threatening email to Mukesh Ambani
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