Minister for Information Technology and Industries, KT Rama Rao, has accused Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar of writing a letter to Foxconn Technology Group, asking them to move their proposed Apple AirPods plant from Hyderabad to Bengaluru. However, Shivakumar denies writing any such letter. The Telangana unit of the Congress party has strongly reacted to KTR’s claim and warned him to be ready for a legal battle.
During a lawyers’ meeting for the Telangana Assembly elections, KTR read out the letter that he claims was written by Shivakumar. According to KTR, the letter stated that many international industries in Hyderabad have expressed interest in relocating to Bengaluru. The letter also mentioned that if KCR does not become chief minister for a third term, it would be mutually beneficial for Foxconn’s ancillary industry to make the move as well.
KTR emphasized the need for a leader who can safeguard Telangana’s interests and accused the Congress of wanting to shift industries out of Hyderabad. He highlighted Foxconn’s agreement to set up a unit in Telangana after four years of the state government’s efforts. The factory, located in Kongara Kalan on the outskirts of Hyderabad, is expected to be inaugurated in April or May next year.
KTR also criticized Bengaluru’s role as a center for the Congress party and alleged that money seized in Bengaluru was being sent to Telangana. However, the Congress has refuted KTR’s claims, stating that Shivakumar has already denied writing the letter. The Congress accused BRS of spreading misinformation and attempting to divert attention from the flaws in the Mediagadda barrage of the Kaleshwaram project.
KT Rama Rao claims Congress will relocate industries from Hyderabad to Karnataka
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