Telangana’s Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Vikas Raj, announced that special squads from the Election Commission have seized nearly Rs 450 crore in cash, gold, silver, and other valuable items across the state. They are intensifying vehicle checks, including those of ministers and other elected representatives, in all districts. Additional central forces have been deployed in many districts and have conducted flag marches to boost confidence among voters.
Regarding the distribution of Rythu Bandhu, no proposal has been received. A reply has been received from Pragathi Bhavan regarding the violation notice of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC), which has been forwarded to the Election Commission. As of November 3, 256 First Information Reports (FIRs) have been filed for MCC violations. Among these, 30 FIRs were against BRS, 16 against Congress, five against BJP, and three against BSP, according to the CEO.
Regarding the incident in Dubbak where BRS candidate and MP Kotha Prabhakar Reddy was attacked, a report has been requested from the police and has been submitted. Measures are being taken to prevent similar incidents from happening again.
Telangana witnesses seizure of Rs 450 crore during election season
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