In preparation for the State Assembly election, the nomination process will begin on Friday in Hyderabad. The candidates from the 15 Assembly constituencies will submit their forms to the election Returning Officers (ROs) at designated offices. Security arrangements have been made to ensure a smooth process, with no processions allowed within 100 meters of the RO offices. A “candidate help desk” has also been set up at the RO offices.
Hyderabad police have enforced Section 144 of CrPC in a 100-meter radius near the RO offices in all 15 constituencies. This measure is in place from 10 am to 6 pm to maintain law and order and prevent any incidents of breach of peace.
During enrollment, interested candidates will need to provide personal details including educational qualification, criminal record, and details of their property. They are also required to deposit money along with their nomination. The security deposit is Rs 10,000, with SC/ST candidates paying a fee of Rs 5,000 and providing their caste certificate. All parties must follow the rules set by the election authorities, and strict action will be taken against any violations of the Election Code of Conduct.
Candidates contesting Assembly elections have the option to file their nominations online. However, they must also provide the same documents directly to the concerned election officer. Nominations will not be accepted after 3 pm in all constituencies. Each candidate can make up to four nominations, and their affidavits will be uploaded on the websites of the Central and State election commissions on the same day.
A team from the Election Commission has reviewed the arrangements made for the State Assembly elections. Their goal is to ensure a fool-proof system for conducting free and fair polls.
Nominations for Assembly polls in Hyderabad begin today
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