Kasani Gnaneshwar Mudiraj, who recently resigned as the president of the Telangana Telugu Desam Party, will be joining BRS. He made this decision after being upset with his party’s choice to not contest in the Telangana elections. The Chief Minister, K Chandrashekar Rao, will be present when Kasani joins BRS at his farmhouse in Eravelli on Friday.
The ruling party failed to give any tickets to leaders from the Mudiraj community, which led to the party’s decision to influence leaders from this community into their party. As a result, several leaders, including Erra Shekhar, have recently joined BRS.
A senior leader of BRS stated that Kasani’s joining will be advantageous for the party as he is a prominent political figure. Previously, Eatela Rajender was the face of Mudiraj in BRS, but after his departure, the party has been unable to accommodate any significant leaders. However, with leaders like Banda Prakash Muduraj, Nilam Madhu, and now Kasani joining, the party’s popularity is expected to increase in the upcoming elections.
Kasani Gnaneshwar Mudiraj set to join BRS in Hyderabad on Friday
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