The Rajashyamala Yagam, led by Chief Minister KCR, is ongoing in Telangana state for the welfare of its people. The yagam is taking place in the farm field owned by KCR in Erravalli, where Vedic chanting and rituals are being conducted undisturbed.
On the second day of the yagam, Goddess Sivakamasundari, an incarnation of Goddess Rajashyamala, appeared in the Yagashala. Swarupanandendra and Swatmanandendra offered special prayers to the Goddess.
Chief Minister KCR and his wife performed Yantra Pooja, followed by recitation of Shulini Durga Kavacha 11 times and the organization of Indra Sukta Homa and Navagraha Sukta Homa. Additionally, a Subrahmanya Kavacha yagam was performed with mantras along with Shadavaran.
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