Telangana Chief Minister KCR has started the Yagam at his farm house in Erravalli. The Yagam, called Subrahmanyeshwara Yagam with Rajashyamala, was initiated by priests from Visakha Sri Sharada petham. The Yagam will last for three days and is being conducted under the guidance of scholars from Telugu states, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.
The ceremony began with the worship of cows, followed by Ganapati Puja, purification rituals, and the consumption of a mixture of cow products. After these rituals, KCR and his spouse paid their respects to Swarupanandendra Swami and sat for the Yagam.
Under the guidance of the Guru, the Yaga started with the participation of KCR and his spouse. Swarupanandendra Swami administered Yaga sankalpa to the Chief Minister. Rajasya, the presiding deity of Visakha Sri Saradapieetha, is being worshiped during this Yagam.
To view more pictures of the Yagam, you can click on the link provided.