During the TS Assembly general elections, CM KCR announced the party tickets for sitting MLAs before anyone else. However, there is opposition to the candidacy of sitting MLA Dr VM Abraham for Alampur Constituency. MLC Challa Venktramireddy and others held public meetings protesting Abraham’s candidacy, despite being in the same party. They went to Hyderabad to express their protest to KTR. The party is still undecided about the B Form of Alampur MLA candidacy.
Abraham has made a Chaitanya Ratham for his election campaign and has performed prayers at various religious places. On the other hand, Vijayudu, who is supported by MLC Challa Venktramireddy, has started his campaign by performing Pooja at temples.
Meanwhile, Ex MLA and AICC secretary Sampath Kumar has secured a seat in the first list, while the BJP party is still searching for a suitable candidate. Gadwal Bandla Krisnamohan Reddy’s candidacy as BRS candidate was confirmed in the first list, and his family is campaigning for his victory.
ZP Chairperson Sarita Tirupathaiah from the Congress party is campaigning for Bahujan Raj as a representative of the poor and weaker sections. BJP National Vice President DK Aruna is busy promoting her daughter Snigdha Reddy as the MLA candidate for BJP Gadwali constituency.