Sanathnagar MLA candidate and minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav praised Chief Minister Shri Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao for making Telangana a role model in development and welfare programs. Talasani Srinivas Yadav conducted a door-to-door campaign in various areas of Begumpet Division, including NBT Nagar, Vaddera Basti, Gautam Nagar, Old Patigadda, and Noor Bagh. The campaign started with the minister paying respects to the statues of Ambedkar and Babu Jagjivan Ram at NBT Nagar. Throughout the campaign, many people joined in large numbers and expressed their support.
During the campaign, numerous voters expressed their intention to give a significant majority. Talasani Srinivas Yadav highlighted the government’s initiatives for the poor and middle-class citizens. He mentioned the development works carried out in the Sanathnagar constituency over the past 10 years, including the construction of a multi-purpose function hall in Gadda. This facility aims to alleviate the financial burden on the local community by providing it at an affordable rent.
Additionally, Talasani Srinivas Yadav emphasized the progress made in improving roads and drainage systems in the constituency. He assured that the government is actively addressing the concerns brought to his attention. Unlike previous representatives, he remains accessible to the public and dedicated to the development of the constituency. He urged people to support those who actively work for development and cautioned against being deceived by false promises during elections.
Talasani Sai Kiran Yadav, Incharge of Secunderabad Parliament Constituency BRS Party, also encouraged support for leaders who consistently engage with the community and work towards resolving issues. The campaign included visits to Old Patigadda and Noor Bagh, with Minister Thalasani Srinivas Yadav seeking votes alongside Corporator T. Maheshwari, Divisional BRS President Srinivas Goud, General Secretary Arif, and various other party leaders.
[Image: A campaign event led by Talasani Srinivas Yadav]
[Image: Talasani Srinivas Yadav interacting with the community during the campaign]