The BRS MP, K Prabhakar Reddy, was admitted to Yashoda Hospital with stab injuries. He has now been moved to the surgical critical care unit where he is being monitored by a multidisciplinary team of doctors. He will stay in the critical care unit for the next 48 hours.
According to a medical bulletin from the hospital, Prabhakar Reddy is receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics, IV fluids, pain medications, and other supportive measures. He is conscious and talking, and he is recovering from the major surgery. However, he still needs to remain in the critical care unit for another 24-48 hours before being moved to a regular room.
The surgical team has advised Prabhakar Reddy to not eat anything except for sips of water until tomorrow when they will reassess his condition and gradually introduce liquid food. He is currently stable with normal test results and no fever. He only experiences minor pain at the surgical site.