Bandla Sai Saketh, the son of MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy from Gadwal, participated in a community engagement event on Monday as part of his father’s campaign. He was warmly welcomed by the people of Tappetla Mersu in Gadwal. During his speech, Saketh urged the people to give his father another chance for the development of the district. He highlighted the various development initiatives his father has undertaken in the past five years, such as renovating ponds and lakes, providing irrigation water to every acre, constructing roads and canals, and ensuring 24-hour power supply. He also mentioned the benefits of programs like Rythu Bandhu and Rythu Bheema for the farmers. Saketh expressed confidence that if his father is reelected as MLA, the district will undergo complete transformation and become fully developed in all sectors.
Son of Gadwal MLA actively supports father’s election campaign
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