Perur village in the Kaukuntla mandal in Devarkadra constituency celebrated the second anniversary of the Sri Ramalingeswara Swamy Temple’s establishment. The temple is important to the people of Perur and nearby villages, who gather every year to honor their deity.
The celebration included various rituals on the first day. Learned Veerashaiva Agama Pandits performed the sacred Ganga Sekarana, along with other rituals such as Ganapathi Puja, Rudra Homam, and Agnigunda Pravesham. Devasthanam committee members, village elders, and Shiva swamis worked hard to make the event a success.
In the evening, the Sri Veerabhadra Swamy Ceremony Seva and Agnigundam rituals were performed, attracting a large crowd from the village. This temple continues to be a source of spiritual solace for the community.