Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao recently spoke at a public meeting in Kodada as part of the assembly election campaign. He stressed the importance of voting wisely and urged people to think for themselves before making their decision. CM KCR believes that voting is a powerful tool in a democracy and wants individuals to use their vote effectively.
During his speech, he talked about the struggles faced by the people of Kodada, particularly regarding water scarcity for agriculture. In 2003, CM KCR and locals protested at the Nagarjunasagar Dam, demanding immediate water supply, which was eventually granted.
The Chief Minister criticized the historical treatment of Telangana and accused the Congress party of neglecting its agricultural needs. He expressed disappointment that Telangana Congress leaders remained silent on this issue. CM KCR also mentioned that the Nagarjuna Sagar project was constructed in a location disadvantageous to Telangana, resulting in water deprivation for the region. He blamed the Congress rulers for these alleged conspiracies.
CM KCR emphasized the significance of voting and urged people to make choices that will benefit the state. He also expressed his anger towards Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, stating that Karnataka’s claim of providing five hours of free power supply is nothing compared to Telangana’s 24-hour free power supply.