A series of villages in Nandipet Mandal, including Siddapur, Wannel Kay, Kudavandpur, Jo, Thondakur, and Macherla, warmly welcomed Congress candidate Vinay during his campaign. This campaign, called ‘Gadapa Gadapa Ki Vinay’, has brought hope to the women in these villages.
The residents of these villages are determined to support the Congress party in the upcoming elections to achieve a strong victory. Vinay, also known as ‘anna’, shared his views on the political situation in the region.
Vinay emphasized that the BRS party, represented by Jeevan Reddy, has contributed very little to the development of their village. In contrast, it is the Congress party that has been driving progress in the area. Vinay criticized the current distribution of cookers and sarees as an attempt to manipulate voters with fear tactics.
He stressed that their focus is on genuine development rather than just giving away things. They are dedicated to improving the well-being and prosperity of their communities.